All Letters articles – Page 18

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    Tick-tock: the sustainability clock


    What are construction companies doing to meet the 2019 carbon emissions targets?

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    Architect sandwich, anyone?


    It’s easy to blame the architects for the glut of “look-a-like” housing developments throughout the country.

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    Think about the little man


    Abolish retention fees

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    Don't curb your enthusiasm


    I really like Kulveer Ranger’s enthusiasm (26 November, page 36) - these large infrastructure projects need huge amounts of positive energy from those in the driving seats to make them successful

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    VAT for domestic building ...


    I hope this government knows what it is doing, because interest rates will have to rise soon as well (VAT increase could cost 11,000 jobs, 17 December,

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    How to do architecture right


    I don’t entirely disagree with Lucy Rogers’ points (inbox, 10 December) in relation to my column (19 November, page 31)

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    VAT on domestic animals


    Funny how Labour’s 1% hike on NI was a “jobs tax” that every CEO in the country seemed to want to scream about and sign carefully staged letters about, but now a 2.5% rise in VAT is being introduced by this shambles of a government with barely a word from ...

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    Measured response


    Amanda Levete (17 December, page 28) is quite right to point out society’s predilection for inappropriate rulers but wrong to devalue the way architects, by their designs, are the measure of all things.

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    Green agenda can help industry


    The latest report from Audit Scotland on progress towards cutting energy use in Scotland’s public sector (Improving energy efficiency: a follow-up, published 8 December) suggests that local authorities in particular still have a long way to go

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    Career advice for Lloyd


    I read with interest the letter from Lloyd Holmes in the 10 December issue of ɫTV Magazine and was pleased to see that he is considering a career in the UK nuclear industry. I was disappointed, though, to see that he views future prospects as “gloomy”

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    Where should I start?


    My dad gets ɫTV and recently I used it as an information source on my GCSE project (19 March)

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    Grey opinion is worth having


    In Pascale Scheurer’s rant (19 November, page 31) about just about everything, it is sad to see that she has a narrow-minded and muddled attitude to public participation.

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    Improving our energy grades


    Despite our being well on the way to achieving zero-carbon for new build, the WWF and Ecofys Climate Policy Tracker report for the EU has awarded the UK an E grade for its carbon policies, given the lack of support for improving the performance of our existing building stock

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    Centuries-old news


    Your recent article on the Irish coming to Britain to work in the UK construction industry is about 250 years too late (3 December, page 32).

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    Pester power


    Just in case it has been missed by everybody in the industry, the Health and Safety Executive has published an amendment to HSG168. In layman’s terms that’s the amendment to the guidance for managing fire strategy on building sites. This is a very thought-provoking document.

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    Too many targets


    As we have reached the time of year for the ɫTV Sustainability Awards, I thought it would be appropriate to air my frustration with the current level of environmental energy policy.

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    Knowles on Levete …


    The article by Amanda Levete in ɫTV (19 November, page 26) kindled a few memories. She poses the question: “Higher education is going to become increasingly inaccessible, so why don’t we create ways of training architects on the job?”

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    … And Taylor on Knowles


    Further to the article by Malcolm Taylor (no relation) in ɫTV (22 October, page 33) regarding his dissatisfaction with the RICS, I was interested in the follow-up letter by the much respected Roger Knowles (29 October, page 27) and his effort to entice more QSs to join his breakaway organisation. ...

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    Let’s play associations


    I read with interest your article on specialists (19 November, page 36) and would respectfully point out that at least six companies in your fit-out category are NAS members, including ISG Retail, and are most certainly not subcontractors as your opening header suggests. I would also point out that they ...

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    Entries are made in the condolence book - but are ex-employees still “Roking” as Mr Snook asked?