All articles by Graham Watts – Page 2

  • Graham_Watts

    2008 predictions: "sleeze, football and more sleeze"


    The CIC chief executive is excited by Beijing and believes the government can keep the economy on track

  • Comment

    Keep shouting and we’ll keep failing


    The pig-headed behaviour of some trade associations is wasting a priceless opportunity to reform the Construction Act to everyone’s advantage

  • Graham Watts

    Team GB needs an outsider in charge for 2012


    The resignation of Jack Lemley needn’t be a blow for the ODA as long as the new chair has a similar independent streak and a rigorous approach to procurement

  • Graham Watts

    Pork loin in July? Let’s be serious


    Industry events have become bloated on a diet of showbiz excess, says the CIC chief executive, who prefers the honesty of the president’s address to the anecdotes of a Z-list celebrity

  • Graham Watts



    The chairman of the Hall of Fame judging panel reflects on 40 years of great strides forward, occasional shuffles back and some things that just haven't changed at all

  • Side view of the Arup-engineered “bird’s nest” stadium.

    Beijing 832 days to go


    If you believe the hype, you probably think Beijing is a lick of paint away from hosting the 2008 Olympics tomorrow. Graham Watts took a look for himself and found that not a single building has been finished - so maybe it's time all the London Olympic doomsters took a ...

  • Graham Watts

    My nagging carbon conscience


    A smog-filled Beijing sky prompts the CIC chief executive to ask himself whether he is doing enough to cut his own carbon emissions.

  • ɫTV

    Strength, speed and ruthlessness


    Graham Watts presents a plan for delivering the 2012 Olympics on time

  • Features

    The comment


    Graham Watts, chief executive of the Construction Industry Council, joins the calls for a dedicated minister of state

  • Comment

    An ouzo to the Olympics


    Perhaps we should have consulted the Oracle at Delphi before the Athens Olympics, because the project managers turned out to be inaccurate soothsayers

  • Features

    Just what we wanted


    Graham Watts, chief executive of the Construction Industry Council, explains why he lobbied for CIPER and why it has a vital role to play

  • Features

    The Architect's role


    Architecture professionals need to raise their game – or face permanent relegation in the project team