Three different sets of official data suggest housebuilding activity is slowing in the face of cost inflation and planning delays. But many in the housebuilding sector are bullish about growth. What鈥檚 going on? Joey Gardiner looks at what the data shows.

Lots has been written in the national press in recent weeks about a in the face of the darkening economic climate. Many housebuilders, however, will treat these predictions with some degree of scepticism. In the real world of buying and selling new build properties, all the data suggest that demand remains extremely high 鈥 just last week Rightmove found asking prices had risen another 2.1% in the last month. Official figures show prices up 10% year-on-year. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) meanwhile, said new buyer enquiries increased last month 鈥 the eighth consecutive month they have done so.

house building construction site

Source: Shutterstock

Developers, of course, would be mad not to have a cautious eye on the 12 months ahead, with the cost of living crisis biting, rampant inflation (still rising) and the possibility of the economy dipping into recession. But housing market crashes have been predicted all too often before, and rarely materialise 鈥 the widespread predictions of lockdown and post Brexit property crashes being two recent cases in point. The biggest builder in the UK, Barratt, sold nearly a home per site per week in the first five months of the year, well up on the same period in 2021, and well beyond the long-term average 鈥 with other listed firms reporting similar rosy trading performances so far this year.

Demand is clearly, then, still strong. But less noticed, has been growing evidence that housebuilding supply may already be weakening, seemingly in the face of challenges including materials cost inflation and planning delays. With the government having seemingly lost the will to support the expansion of the industry to deliver 300,000 homes a year 鈥 despite its promise at the last election 鈥 there is growing concern that these data are a pre-cursor to a more serious slowdown. So, what do the numbers tell us, and how worried should the industry be?

No problem

The received wisdom is that the residential development sector is, largely, in rude health, having shaken off many of the challenges of the covid lockdowns in 2020. Major listed housebuilders are mostly plotting volume expansion from an enviable position of strong balance sheets and bulging forward order books. Noble Francis, economics director at the Construction Products Association (CPA), says housebuilders are generally expecting volume growth of 5-7% this year and that the challenges for them, if they come, will be in the third quarter, after the next round of energy price rises, when the cost of living crisis deepens, impacting consumer confidence. He predicts modest housebuilding output growth of 1% this year and next.

Demand is clearly, then, still strong. But less noticed, has been growing evidence that housebuilding supply may already be weakening, seemingly in the face of challenges including materials cost inflation and planning delays.

鈥淲hilst house price growth is still strong and cost inflation is still manageable, house builders are still happy to increase supply,鈥 he says. 鈥淭he real question is what happens after Q3, and whether the smaller housebuilders are more impacted.鈥

Likewise, Neal Hudson, MD of consultant Residential Analysts, says he is concerned about the market in the autumn, but feels that number so far have held 鈥減retty firm鈥. 鈥淚鈥檓 pretty negative looking forward,鈥 he says, 鈥淚 think most likely we鈥檒l see stagnation. But I don鈥檛 see anything yet to suggest a problem.鈥

Supporting this view of the world were recent numbers from the NHBC which appeared to show housing registrations (equivalent to starts) up sharply in the first quarter of the year 鈥 recording the highest Q1 figure since before the financial crisis.

Downward trend

But these comments, and those numbers, don鈥檛 appear to reflect all the latest data. The gold standard of housebuilding data in England are the government鈥檚 Net Additions figures. However, the problem with these is they only appear annually, around six months after the end of the financial year, so are entirely backward-looking. (The latest Net Additions numbers do show a big drop in numbers, but because they relate to the April 2020-March 2021 period, which included the first covid lockdown when the market shut entirely, they are no guide to the current market).

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In between the autumn publication of these numbers, the industry uses a variety of more-or-less reliable sources, including data from Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) registrations, numbers gained largely from building control, and the Office of National Statistics construction output and construction new orders numbers, based on surveys.

Of these, the EPC numbers (created when new homes are completed) are seen by many to give the best indicator, albeit they also include EPCs created from conversions and changes of use. The latest quarterly EPC numbers show that between January and March this year there was a 5.6% drop in registrations compared to the last quarter of 2021, and, more significantly, and 8.6% drop compared to the same quarter last year. Numbers are now back down to the level seen prior to the covid pandemic and subsequent housing boom 鈥 it remains to be seen if they will drop further.

Supporting this story are the ONS numbers. According to the construction output figures, housebuilding output peaked in January this year, but has since started to drop back, declining 1.2% in March (see below). In addition, new orders for housebuilding fell back 8% in the January March quarter of the year compared to the final quarter of 2021, and are now 11% below the peak seen in the third quarter of last year. 

Housing output


It should be said that, for the moment, all of these numbers remain at historically healthy levels, with both housebuilding output and EPC registrations similar to that seen in the quarter prior to the onset of the pandemic. The point is the trend on all three appears to be downward.

So, what about the very healthy NHBC numbers referred to above? The NHBC did not respond to a request to explain the jump in registrations, which came despite it recording 鈥 like the other data discussed 鈥 a modest drop (of 4% y-o-y) in completions. However, one industry insider said the big increase simply reflected the imminent industry shift to new energy efficiency standards in June 鈥 which had encouraged housebuilders to register homes earlier than they normally would in order to escape having to meet the more onerous new regulations. And hence, that the figures should not be read 鈥 this quarter at least 鈥 as a reliable guide.


And the official data isn鈥檛 the only information suggest clouds on the horizon. Home Builders鈥 Federation (HBF) member survey data, quoted in a report by Capital Economics, suggests that while housebuilding starts initially rebounded at pace when the first lockdown was lifted, to reach a 13-year peak in spring last year, they have since fallen back sharply. Andrew Wishart, senior economist at the firm, says that completions have also remained resolutely 鈥渄isappointing鈥 since, never echoed this initial spike in site starts.

鈥淲ith the materials shortages and with input price inflation rising, it鈥檚 simply been harder than expected to get plots that builders have started finished.鈥 Andrew Wishart, Capital Economics

So, if demand is high, what鈥檚 going on? Wishart blames the low build rates on the problems with the cost and availability of construction materials since the covid crisis, and now exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. He says: 鈥淲ith the materials shortages and with input price inflation rising, it鈥檚 simply been harder than expected to get plots that builders have started finished.鈥

ukraine war

The war in Ukraine has exacerbated problems with the cost and availibility of materials in the UK and elsewhere

Certainly, the challenges of supply chain difficulties post-covid are very well-documented and have been causing housebuilders of all shapes and sizes a huge headache 鈥 but the extent to which they have actively delayed building work is disputed. While major listed firms largely claim to have kept a lid on the problems through their buying power with suppliers and long-term strategic relationships, there is certainly evidence of housing associations delaying development programme due to materials shortages. Just last week, 46,000-home landlord Platform missed its development target by 22% citing materials shortages and cost rises, while association Great Places has missed its target by 35%, offering a similar explanation.

But there is further detail from the HBF member survey, quoted in the Capital Economics report, which points to potentially another explanation for faltering supply. This is that the number of sites which housebuilders across are operating from has actually been declining since the middle of 2020 鈥 even during this period of booming demand and supposed expansion by the majors.


Rico Wojtulewicz, head of housing and planning policy at the National Federation of Builders, which represents mainly SME housebuilders, is in little doubt that the planning system is the key culprit for this drop in outlets. He thinks there is already a drop off in supply 鈥 and that gridlock in local authority planning departments in the aftermath of covid is largely to blame. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a combination of things 鈥 there鈥檚 materials prices, labour availability. But the main frustration is from the working from home in council planning departments 鈥 there鈥檚 just a huge delay in getting sign off of any project through to sites.

鈥淲e鈥檝e been trying to warn government that this is going to impact upon supply but it hasn鈥檛 been taking it seriously enough 鈥 and now I think it鈥檚 really starting to bite鈥.

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Wojtulewicz鈥檚 comments come after data from the government in recent months which has shown that the speed of local authority decision-making has dropped to a five-year low, and after Redrow chief executive Matthew Pratt said the system had hit its 鈥渓owest point鈥 for years. Pratt echoed housebuilder Gleeson, which at the end of last year said the planning system was constraining its ability to open new sites to meet demand.

On top of this, the sector is concerned about a growing set of specific challenges, such as that posed in certain authorities by 鈥渘utrient neutrality鈥 requirements 鈥 which the HBF estimates is itself holding up 100,000 homes 鈥 the upgrading of energy efficiency requirements with Part L, the Future Homes Standard, the requirement to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain, and 鈥 of course 鈥 the 拢8bn or so liability placed on the industry (so far) over the cladding debacle.

The final ingredient in this unpleasant broth for the sector is the apparent change of heart over housebuilding more broadly by the government. Despite a commitment in the winning 2019 Conservative manifesto to build 300,000 homes a year by the middle of this decade, the new secretary of state Michael Gove has clearly signalled the target has been downgraded, and, is much less important than other housing goals around the quality of places created. Planning reforms designed to deliver permissions have been scrapped in favour of a more 鈥渓ocalist鈥 approach to suit Tory backbenchers.

Earlier this month [May], Gove used an article in a national newspaper to stress his desire to take on the 鈥渧ested interests鈥 on large national developers, and in March referred to major housebuilders as a 鈥渃artel鈥, comments later described by Stewart Baseley, executive chair of the HBF, as 鈥渆xtremely worrying鈥.

house building construction site

And with the stimulus that has supported the sector鈥檚 profits through the last decade 鈥 Help to Buy 鈥 almost at an end, the lack of a government commitment to housing numbers surely signals the end of any hopes it will be replaced.

Increasingly challenging

The HBF鈥檚 Baseley says this current position is in direct contrast to the 鈥減ro development approach鈥 from government that had seen output doubled in the decade since the credit crunch. He says: 鈥淒emand for new homes remains extremely strong, but the operating environment for builders is becoming increasingly challenging.

鈥淲e are now seeing a range of policies that are starting to constrain growth and create delays, particularly in the planning process. A growing regulatory burden and a lack of clarity from Government on key issues threatens to undermine confidence.

Stewart Baseley, HBF re-sized

Stewart Baseley, executive chair of HBF, is concerned about the operating enviornment for housebuilders

鈥淣ot delivering the number of homes the country clearly needs will have significant economic and social implications, and see jobs and investment cut, reduced levels of home ownership and reduced access to decent, affordable housing.鈥

One senior housebuilding industry source puts it in starker terms: 鈥淚t鈥檚 inevitable supply is going to fall if the government stays on the track it鈥檚 on. The number of active sites is falling because of planning, it鈥檚 massively frustrating. And with everything coming down the line, chief executives are not going to go for all-out growth.鈥

The lack of political support, of course, makes the current concern about faltering supply all the more concerning, because it implies Mr Gove would not necessarily be mounting a white charger to ride to the industry鈥檚 rescue if the situation worsened 鈥 which, of course, is what is predicted.

鈥淧rice correction鈥

Resi Analysts鈥 Hudson says he 鈥渨ouldn鈥檛 be surprised鈥 if development activity levels start to fall from the autumn, with housebuilders increasing looking to build to rent purchasers rather than private buyers. 鈥淗ousebuilders will be keeping a close eye on the market and will pull back very quickly if sales rates start to fall.鈥

Capital Economics鈥 predicts that while house prices will rise 8% this year, they will drop back 5% next year and a further 3% in 2024 during a period of what Wishart calls a 鈥渃orrection, not a crash鈥. More worrying than the price level for housebuilders, though, is the firm鈥檚 prediction on sales transactions and build volumes 鈥 it thinks transactions will drop by a third between last year and 2023, dragging housebuilding volumes down by a similar amount 鈥 to their lowest level since 2012. 鈥淥ur view is housebuilders can鈥檛 make the most of the market now because of materials problems, and then when those clear up they won鈥檛 want to build because of the market,鈥 he says.

Noble Francis says the government鈥檚 about turn on its 300k target therefore begs the question what 鈥 if anything 鈥 it will do if the industry is hit hard in the coming years. 鈥淭he question is what is the impact on the sector as we appear to be moving away from constantly enabling demand, as we have done, via Help to Buy, and interest rate policy, and Stamp Duty,鈥 he says. 鈥淲hat is going to replace it to drive supply?

鈥淭he government can say it wants housing associations and local authorities to build more, but these organisations all have their challenges, such as legacy buildings. The question is where is the additional supply going to come from?鈥

Currently, that鈥檚 not something that鈥檚 easy for the sector to answer.