The pioneering building services engineer was that rare person, a highly original and inventive thinker in a notoriously conservative industry

Tom Lane

I first met Max Fordham 20 years ago when I was a rookie reporter charged with going out to meet a selection of leading engineers to get a better understanding of the industry.

I felt an immediate connection with Fordham as we had been to the same school, Dartington Hall in Devon, and given how small it was I鈥檇 never bumped into anyone who went there when I met Fordham nor have I since.

>> Engineer Max Fordham dies aged 88

Dartington was a progressive school and one of its few rules was the requirement to do 鈥渦seful work鈥, tasks that helped the school function with the idea everyone needed to contribute to the school community rather than delegating these jobs to paid staff.

Max Fordham in his previous Camden Square home low res

Source: Max Fordham LLP

I was struck by Fordham鈥檚 enthusiasm for what were menial tasks (mine was looking after the Banda photocopier, a machine that used a cocktail of unpleasant solvents to function) because it was the catalyst for his subsequent career. Max鈥檚 job was to help maintain the school buildings which led to him learning about metal and woodworking which led to a life-long interest in the practical and in buildings.

Fordham went onto to study natural sciences at Cambridge and from there started a career in heating and ventilation system design. He went on to found his eponymous building services consultancy in 1966.

He had a questioning mind and was always ready to challenge the status quo however outlandish this seemed to others

He was a clever, highly original and inventive thinker who saw buildings and the way they functioned holistically rather than as a collection of parts, and that they needed to be viewed as a whole. He had a questioning mind and was always ready to challenge the status quo however outlandish this seemed to others.

These characteristics were undoubtably engendered by the Dartington ethos of encouraging pupils to think, learn and explore for themselves rather than through formal lessons. This fed through to Fordham鈥檚 recruitment process, he preferred employees without building service engineering degrees as he believed these encouraged rigid, unquestioning thinking.

The RMC International HQ in Surrey was one of the first commercial buildings to be naturally ventilated

Source: Richard Learoyd

The RMC International HQ in Surrey was one of the first commercial buildings to be naturally ventilated

Fordham had a passion for sustainability at a time when this was a niche activity and this interest combined with his original, boundary pushing approach to design led to many pioneering building services designs including the RMC headquarters building, completed in 1990 which used thermal mass and natural ventilation to cool the building instead of relying on air-conditioning. This approach has become an accepted way to cool commercial buildings.

Keynsham Civic Centre, completed in 2014 was another sustainability exemplar including a CLT structure, natural ventilation and an energy in use DEC rating of A. An important aspect of this job was that this was the first to formally employ the Soft Landings methodology where the design team monitors and fine tunes the building for two years after completion to help address the performance gap, an essential tool in building energy use reduction.

Keynsham office

The Keynsham Civic Centre for Bath and North East Somerset Council was another sustainability exemplar and the first to formally use Soft Landings to reduce energy consumption post completion

Fordham continued to push boundaries, more recently he designed his own house with the architect Justin Bere. This was designed and built to Passivhaus principles, but Fordham took this one step further by integrating insulated shutters that opened and closed at a touch of a button to help conserve every last scrap of precious energy by reducing energy loss at night and during periods when the house was unoccupied.

He formally retired from the practice in 2020 but his pioneering spirit lives on. Last year, I visited the Wolfson College decarbonization project where Max Fordham had been appointed to find ways to radically cut energy use from a 1970鈥檚 concrete and single glazed Powell & Moya building.

The two engineers on this project, Bill Watts and Ali Shaw (the latter worked with Fordham on his home) had devised a novel way to slash carbon emissions from the heating system. This included designing a heat pump system that could function efficiently using an unusual choice of heating system refrigerant, carbon dioxide. Because off the shelf units were not suitable for this application Watts and Shaw had designed their own heat pump from a collection of parts, an approach that would be unthinkable to more conventionally minded engineers.

Fordham was that rare person, genuinely original and inventive in a notoriously conservative industry, a quality that in many ways marked him out as a true eccentric. Sadly, he is now gone but his legacy, that of a better built environment, will fortunately continue.

Max Fordham's House (c) Tim Crocker1CMYK

Source: Tim Crocker

Max Fordham鈥檚 house in Camden was built to Passivhaus standards and features insulated shutters to further reduce heat loss at night and when the house is unoccupied