Contractor will build 拢24m police station for Lancashire Constabulary

Willmott Dixon has chalked up another win for a police force, with a 拢24m contract for Lancashire Constabulary.

The custody suite project (pictured) in Blackpool will replace Bonny Street Police Station. It will provide a base for local policing and immediate response teams as well as a public enquiry desk, investigations hub and 42 custody cells.

Close to the M55 at the former Progress House site on Clifton Road, Lancashire Constabulary鈥檚 new facility will be a headquarters for its West Division, covering Blackpool, Fylde, Wyre, Lancaster and Morecambe. Designed by McBains Cooper it will also house a range of specialist teams serving the whole of the division.

The contract was won under Scape鈥檚 national major works framework.

Willmott Dixon has won a string of projects for police forces in recent months, including in in Newcastle, West Midlands, South Yorkshire and South Wales.

Chief Supt Stuart Noble, divisional commander for Lancashire Constabulary鈥檚 West Division, said: 鈥淭he new building will see a massive improvement to our working environment, providing vital support to officers and staff who deliver frontline services to keep the area safe.鈥

鈥淭his is a milestone moment for policing in Blackpool - one which we feel will ultimately help us to provide a better quality of service to the public.鈥

Willmott Dixon managing director for the north Anthony Dillon said: 鈥淲e鈥檒l be taking our learning from other police forces and applying this experience here. We鈥檒l also ensure the work benefits the local economy, with 20 per cent spend within a ten mile radius rising to 75 per cent spend within a 40 miles.鈥