Integrated Envionmental Solution releases beta version of software to enable designers to comply with regulations

Integrated Environmental Solution (IES) has launched a 鈥檖ublic beta鈥 version of its 2010 Part L compliance software to allow designers to get up to speed with the changes before the approved version is released.

The changes to Part L of the 好色先生TV Regulations, which cover energy, are due to come into force in October.

David McEwan, UK director for IES said: 鈥淚t means they [customers] can start to pro-actively rough check any current project against the 2010 regulations and advise clients on implications and potential design issues.鈥

The IES VE-SBEM Public Beta incorporates the SBEM 4.0c engine, while iSAP integrates with the latest version of JPA Designer incorporating SAP 9.90.

They enable users to run both domestic and non-domestic Part L 2010 compliance calculations, generate BRUKL documents and produce Energy Performance Certificates. These are both fully working versions, although testing is still under way and as such results should only be used for rough and not final calculations until the approved version is released.

IES is also completing 2010 development of its dynamic simulation modelling tool which will also be released shortly.

The Public Beta of IES VE version 6.2 can be downloaded by emailing stating; name, company and contact details.
