All Letters articles – Page 37

  • Wombling free … and not to be confused with a bear from Peru

    These things are important


    Bernard Cribbins was the voice of The Wombles, not Paddington, who was voiced by Michael Hordern (27 February, page 32)

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    Do as you would be done by


    With our construction supply chain under pressure, I read with great interest your article “Out of credit” (27 February, page 20)

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    Bargain basement


    I read with interest the articles on markets that could ease the burden of recession and on the complex regulations associated with loft conversions (20 February, pages 46 and 62)

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    The evolving apprentice


    Laing O’Rourke should be applauded for its commitment to doubling its apprentice numbers (27 February, page 10), but one of the most interesting parts of the story, which did not feature in your article, is that Laing O’Rourke’s new Apprenticeship Plus programme shows the evolving nature of construction training

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    Words of warning


    I attended an interview yesterday to train as a domestic energy assessor (DEA), which I thought was new career with great potential

  • Have you any wool? Apparently it’s a rather good material for insulation after all...

    Woolly thinking


    I read with interest your article on the 16 January titled “five green duds”

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    Local jobs for whom?


    We have a small building business in Waltham Forest, which is about four miles north-east of the Olympic site. We have been in the area for the past 27 years and we employ about 29 men

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    Home improvement


    “Social housing” should only be provided as a short-term solution for those in real need. The idea that someone can occupy a council house for virtually their whole adult life is ridiculous

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    In your recent article (6 February, page 3), you referred to the Strategic Forum’s tower crane group and stated that the assessment of how safe they are came under the “badge” of the Considerate Constructors Scheme

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    We can't do this on our own


    There is no simple answer to improving the energy efficiency of the UK’s existing housing stock, but it is important to take simple, practical measures that we know will make a demonstrable difference (“CPA blasts energy firms on insulation failure”, 20 February)

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    By the people, for the people


    The verdict of “very simplistic” by Stroud MP David Drew on the Homes and Communities Agency’s handling of the Cashes Green Community Land Trust (CLT) proposal seems fair (13 February, page 23)

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    School rules must be obeyed


    As an acoustic consultant specialising in education, your article on new schools failing to meet acoustic standards (13 February, ɫ came as no surprise. That’s because BB93, the building regulation governing schools, is majorly flawed

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    Languishing in L


    Regretfully I wholeheartedly agree with the statement that Part L is not being enforced. Moreover, it is generally not understood and often ignored

  • Graduated with honours Berman Guedes Stretton and Price & Myers’ recent alterations to Queen’s College met with the dons’ approval

    Judgment, not luck


    ɫTV’s article on the complex alterations being carried out at Queen’s College in Oxford (6 February, page 40) makes for some interesting reading but unfortunately is inaccurate in parts

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    Golden opportunities


    I have lived and worked in the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia, over the past 25 years and never regretted a minute of it. Some of my friends have been there for more than 30 years.

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    I would like to respond to Mike Cuthbert of Drivas Jonas’ assertion that “there are lots of well-used e-tendering services” in your article on the lack of take-up of the RICS e-tendering service (30 January, page 16).

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    Not-so-lucky dip


    As a bricklayer with 24 years’ experience in the subcontracting game, it is with some relief that my son and I no longer subcontract

  • Have reports of abandoned cars in Dubai been exaggerated?

    Rumours of Dubai’s demise…


    The UK and US press have been making themselves feel better by trashing Dubai

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    Rethinking Britain


    Historically the construction industry has been used as either a brake or an accelerator for the UK economy – subject to the whims of the party in power

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    Like with like


    With reference to the issue of foreign trades taking UK jobs, while the government is correct in stating that we can all apply for these jobs, that everything is fair and square and minimum wage laws and so on are covered, this does not mean that the wages paid to ...