Housing Comment – Page 20

  • Simon McWhirter

    Green refurbishment won't happen without cash incentives


    The government must bring in financial incentives in its Green Deal to encourage homeowners to upgrade their homes

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    Are we on the edge of a second house price crash?


    Is the market heading for a protracted decline or will prices stabilise and hold or continue to creep up from the trough of a year or so ago.

  • Beverley Firth

    What the death of the regional strategy means for housebuilding


    In the absence of a new planning package from the government, the revocation of the RS could slow housebuilding yet further

  • Nick Raynsford

    Nick Raynsford: It’s an inept beginning


    So much for turning Britain into ’a nation of homebuilders’. Rather, the coalition seems hell bent on stopping the housing recovery in its tracks

  • Stephen Clarke

    The end of garden grabbing: what it really means


    Housebuilders shouldn’t fear anti-garden grabbing measures – there are worse planning changes afoot

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    The real cost of regulation


    According to the government, providing homebuyers with a plentiful supply of new homes has been an important goal for most of the past decade

  • Nick Raynsford

    Woolwich bridge: Crossings out


    The Thames Gateway is being stymied by the lack of a bridge downriver of Woolwich. So, asks Nick Raynsford, why does the present mayor of London have no plans to build one?

  • Kevin Cammack is an analyst at Cenkos Securities

    Is the housing market turning?


    This is, of course, the question that everybody wants to know the answer to. So let’s put all the evidence together and work out what it tells us...

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    Industrialised housing's hour has come


    When the upturn comes, there will be growing demand for the products of industrialised housing companies. But how can they survive until then?

  • Kevin Cammack

    What remains


    The housebuilding industry that emerges from this recession will bear little resemblance to the one that grew out of the nineties slump

  • Ramones

    My digital life: David Eastgate


    Not your average chief executive, this ex-punk band member spends his online time surrounded by drums and drumming paraphernalia. Unless he’s on holiday, when you’ll find him talking to ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV

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    Best buys for the taxpayer


    Now we’re all Keynesians again, public money is going to be spent on stimulating demand. But in the case of social housing, what should it actually buy? Nick Raynsford has some suggestions

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    Our obscene failure


    The response of the housebuilding industry to the downturn is to stop building and cast off the very people it will need to help it recover. We have to be far more imaginative, says David Lock

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    Claims for falling property values: A turn for the worse


    If a housing scheme is delayed and the property market slumps, can developers recover damages for the decrease in value?

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    Swallow hard


    Open mike — Yes, moving to zero-carbon homes is going to be strange at first, but then again we’re living through strange days, says Matt Bell. Pretty soon it will all seem perfectly normal …

  • Michael Gove

    It’s housing, stupid


    What’s the one thing that affects our personal wellbeing, our personal wealth and our personal future more than any other? And what do you think might happen to any government that threatens it?

  • Imtiaz Farookhi

    Experimenting on homeowners is wrong


    When it comes to introducing low-carbon systems into houses, we have our work cut out to convince the owners that they’re not just guinea pigs for the next wave of technological misadventures, says Imtiaz Farookhi

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    Good design equals more homes


    It’s an unlikely equation, but if developers and planners worried as much about quality as quantity, it would be easier to build Brown’s 3 million homes, argues Cabe’s Matt Bell

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    Yes, in your backyard


    If we’re ever going to get the homes we need, rural nimbys are just going to have to accept some development – maybe even a new next-door neighbour…

  • Nick Raynsford

    Mod cons


    Housebuilding has come a long way. But even with new players on the scene, don’t be conned into thinking the ‘supply to match demand’ problem has vanished