All Hansom articles – Page 27

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    Hansom: The meaning of life


    As Monty Python so clearly showed, our worlds comprise just a few basic elements: learning, work, sex, war, recreation and wondering what on earth it’s all about anyway. And construction’s got the lot

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    Affairs to remember


    A £9bn property tycoon’s brief encounter with Mace, the latest conspiracy theories over RMJM’s dalliance with Fred Goodwin and one architect’s abusive relationship with the English language

  • Hansom

    Hansom: The home front


    In Blighty this week, the propaganda machine turns defeat into victory, the government frets about who’s listening in and some of our old friends are (temporarily) missing in action

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    Hansom a knight’s tale


    What could be more inspiring than tales of maidens saved, quests completed, silver steeds and mortal peril. But the terrifying beasts in ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV’s office? Definitely just a myth

  • Hansom

    Hansom: Midwinter night’s dream


    My construction compatriots have been enjoying swimming pools, ice cream, stripping off, slimming down and having a break from work – is this January I see before me or the height of summer?

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    Hansom: I can see a better time


    When all our dreams come true. But until then, you’ll have to make do with more stories about disgruntled surveyors, Olympic cash and out-of-work architects

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    Hansom: Dangerous liaisons


    Construction has come over all drama and intrigue, it seems. We therefore invite you, ladies and gentlemen, to a cloak and dagger meeting, a masked party and a duelling lesson. Don’t forget your wigs

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    Hansom: Gift of the gab


    The silver tongues of the industry have been a-wagging of late, and would have you believe that the Titanic is unsunk, Paul is John and the RICS never changes its mind

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    Hansom: Financial advisers


    A City update, a pub in France during a football match, the RICS’ new service, even Amy Winehouse – it seems you can find business advice anywhere this week. Oh, except at a RIBA business advice event

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    Hansom: The seat of power


    Downing Street is the scene of this week’s tales of the unexpected, as Gordon Brown practises his stand-up routine, Prince Charles is praised for his tact, and a hard-bitten architect gets all gooey-eyed

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    Hansom: As the nights draw in


    We avoid the cold wind blasting a London office block and instead wrap up warm in a woolly JCB jumper and settle down before an Olympic fire to enjoy an architect-assessed Sunday roast. Perfect

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    Hansom: Life coach


    Whether you’re an engineer drained of positive life forces, a shadow of your usual shadow ministerial self, or an architect who feels trapped in a never-ending regeneration scheme, I’m here to help

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    Hansom: Epic tales


    Construction folk fight the good fight this week; they clash with an A-list celeb, stagger through hurricanes, take on insane safety regs and eat all the pies

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    Hansom: Sweet little mysteries


    This week we’re trying to get to the bottom of the Laing O’Rourke leadership imbroglio, the ownership of the late Denys Lasdun’s papers and the meaning of Richard Rogers’ smile

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    Hansom: Lese majeste


    Just as Hyde Park’s Rue du Roi was renamed Rotten Row, and Sir David Maxwell Fyfe became Dai Bananas, so the mocking laughter of the public continues to haunt the great and the good …

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    Hansom going too far


    Nothing stands still for long in this industry, and threatening to cross a line this week are Abu Dhabi’s borders, a surveyor’s kilt, Italian visitors and construction rockers’ waistlines

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    Hansom: Claws on the catwalk


    As London Fashion Weekend draws to a close, it seems construction is still in the mood, getting huffy about shoe design, contemplating the female form and knocking back champagne. Back to reality, guys

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    Hansom: How predictable


    We have an informative and educational selection of items this week, from stripped pine in the Gulf to Libyan seafood … although I expect you’ll go straight to the one about bear wrestling with Sarah Beeny

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    Hansom: Be very afraid …


    Gather ye round for ghost stories and seadogs’ yarns, from tales of the living dead at the SEC Group to night-time sabotage on the briny. Thank goodness we have some illumination from the RIBA …

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    Hansom: The high life


    Despite the downturn, construction is enjoying the lifestyle of a Scottish beauty queen, from getting up late for meetings to noshing down salmon mousse and paddling in a lake of brandy