Explanation of data fields and definitions

Publication of the Government鈥檚 Funded Construction Pipeline 鈥 March 2016


The Plan for Growth published at Budget 2011 set out two commitments in relation to publishing pipeline data: (1) to publish the UK鈥檚 long term forward view of projects and programmes, as part of the National Infrastructure Plan 2011; and (2) from autumn 2011 to publish a rolling forward programme of construction and infrastructure projects where public funding has been agreed. HM Treasury has responsibility for delivery of (1) and the Efficiency and Reform Group in the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury jointly coordinate the response to (2). This explanatory note relates to the second deliverable - the planned construction pipeline encompassing economic and social infrastructure projects.

Since 2011, in consultation with industry, HMG has committed to update the Government Construction Pipeline on a six monthly basis and the Infrastructure Pipeline on an annual basis. In addition, to ensure the pipelines are most useful to industry as a strategic planning tool, all planned Government construction and infrastructure projects, including those in the earliest stages of development which may not come to fruition, are included in the pipeline. This means projects and programmes where funding has not yet been secured are also incorporated in the pipeline.

Industry input

The launch of the Government Construction Strategy in July 2011 saw publication of the first estimate for the size of the Government鈥檚 forward Construction Pipeline, which offered indications of the spending commitments by the key government spending departments. This was welcomed by industry as an important first step towards publication of the full Pipeline in autumn 2011. The Government has continued to work with industry representatives to ensure that the first full publication of the planned construction pipeline met with the needs of industry, helping to secure more efficient delivery of public sector construction projects.

The latest edition 鈥 March 2016

The granularity of information contained in the Government Construction Pipeline has been improved in this edition. We have updated the map view to improve accessibility of regional data. New to this edition of the Pipeline, is the development of a timeline. We will continue to work with contributors to the Pipeline to improve the reach and integrity of data as well as increasing accessibility through the new portal.

The benefits of forward visibility

Working with industry the Government has identified the following potential benefits of the publication of the planned construction pipeline:

  • Better resource allocation
  • Improved skills /recruitment management
  • More stable workforce
  • Ability to enter into long-term purchase agreements
  • Encourage innovation
  • Early identification of feast/famine situations (regional, sector, specialism/procurement or delivery)
  • More effective response to procurement
  • Create opportunities for collaborative procurement
  • Ability for suppliers to make early business decisions
  • Foster environment for greater early supply chain engagement
  • Support the development of integrated teams
  • Early identification of project pitfalls
  • Support improved industry forecasting
  • Encourage as best practice for non-public sector clients
  • Engaging with Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

It should be noted that the above benefits support the ambitions of the Government鈥檚 Construction Strategy, and the Infrastructure Cost Review Implementation Plan.


The portal consolidates the planned Government Construction Pipeline. Inclusion of the National Infrastructure Pipeline for public, regulated and private sector infrastructure is also available through the www.uk-cip.org.uk landing page.

Scope and ownership

In discussions with industry the issue was raised as to where responsibility should be vested for the management and population of pipeline data. Some delivery bodies maintain detailed 鈥榳orkbank鈥 or project databases and it would be extremely difficult to prepare a central database that included every single construction or renewal project that is delivered by the public sector, as the scale of this undertaking would be considerable.

The Government has agreed in consultation with industry that the central pipeline provides a level of detail based around 鈥榮ignificant procurable units鈥 and that a sensible balance will need to be struck between data collected and published centrally and data collected and published by individual delivery bodies. This may mean that in some cases there is some duplication between the central database and those held by individual organisations.

The Government has explored options for the responsibility for the management and upkeep of the database and other aspects of construction and infrastructure data in partnership with the private sector and has contracted with Barbour ABI for its management, maintenance and future development.

Industry accepts that the Government needs to take a staged approach to compilation and publication of the construction pipeline, based on a realistic programme of sequential improvements to be delivered over this parliament. We will continue to consult further with industry on future development.

Confidence in the pipeline

Industry recognises that the pipeline will be a live document, which will be subject to some change to meet changing policy objectives. It should not be seen as an absolute commitment for projects to proceed but used as a strategic planning tool.

Commercial confidentiality / Freedom of Information

Commercially sensitive information has been removed from the published pipeline information where:

  • (a) disclosure would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the Government by affecting adversely its bargaining position during contractual negotiations which would result in the less effective use of public money; and / or
  • (b) disclosure would, as a consequence, make it more difficult for individuals to be able to conduct commercial transactions.

Public Authorities have a legal obligation under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, to disclose information, unless it would be against the public interest. Authorities鈥 decisions are subject to challenge by the Information Commissioner.

The Act provides a qualified exemption where disclosure would cause commercial damage and it is likely that commercial information not otherwise published could warrant protection. This is subject to a public interest text at the time the request for information is made.

As noted under 鈥楽cope and Ownership, the Government has contracted with Barbour ABI for the management, maintenance and future development of the construction and infrastructure pipeline for an initial period up to 2015.

Barbour ABI鈥檚 core business is as a provider of market intelligence for the built environment community, providing UK companies with sales leads, contact data and market intelligence. It should be noted that the market intelligence data Barbour ABI collects is entirely separate to the construction and infrastructure pipeline information.


Figures contained in the pipeline have not been indexed.

Explanation of data fields and definitions

Departments were asked to provide project / programme level responses to the questions set out below in a spreadsheet template, using the following guidance.



Sector / sub-sector / sub-group

Drop-down list for sector (eg Education / Energy / Transport) and if applicable, specify further using the 鈥榮ub-sector鈥 and 鈥榮ub-group鈥.

Programme Name

Project Name

Number of Projects in Programme

If entry is a single project, this will be 1. If entry is a programme the number of projects covered by the programme will be entered.

Project Summary

Description of project.


An English region; a devolved nation within the UK; UK-wide; or overseas.

Town / City



Asset Ownership

Private, Public, or Public/Private. This refers to the ultimate ownership of the asset, not the origins of the funding nor the status of the delivery body. If ownership is complex, the most appropriate response is selected.

Economically regulated investment

Yes / no (generally relevant to infrastructure only)

Funding Source(s)

Free text e.g. proposed / planned / confirmed etc

Earliest Construction Start Date

Funding Status

Eg Proposed / planned / confirmed etc

Current forecast date in service

When the asset will become available to the user.

On schedule

Is the programme/project on track to meet planned dates for construction / service: yes / no / unknown etc.

Total capex cost all funding (拢m)

This includes land / property acquisition, client, consultant & contractor costs, contingency, VAT.

Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (拢m)

Total public investment / support (where relevant). Focus on CDEL unless alternate measure more appropriate (e.g. CDEL+RDEL). Other information, e.g. PFI credits are provided separately if available.

201 5/16 (拢m)

Projected spend

2016/17 (拢m)

Projected spend

2017/18 (拢m)

Projected spend

2018/19 (拢m)

Projected spend

2019/20 (拢m)

Projected spend

Beyond 2020 Estimated (拢m)

Projected spend

Estimate status

Status of the cost information that has been reported, eg Pre-project / Concept / Pre-procurement / Bid price.

Basis of costs

State whether cost values are Nominal or Real

Base year

Of projected spend.

Planned Procurement Route

Eg Framework , PFI. If complex, details given in the 鈥渘otes鈥 column.

Expiry Date for Existing Frameworks

Procuring Authority

Public Source for further details

Where the supply chain can obtain further information about the project / programme.

Web address for further information on programme / project

Data source(s)

List the source(s) of the information that has been provided.


Including description where response to earlier question is other.

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