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Statements towards the top  My company take its Health and Safety obligations very seriously My manager is very understanding when personal issues make demands on my work time The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud BxSxx   Statements towards the bottom  My company makes significant positive contribution to local communities I think I am well remunerated for the work I do and the responsibilities I have I have flexible working hours L!xx     Highest movers  up The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud The quality of projects in which the company is involved is something of which I am very proudB   Biggest movers  down I am rarely given the opportunity to make my contribution to decisions that affect me Senior managers communicate with the staff, enabling me to play a part in my company's success This company encourages a positive and open communications culture that encourages staff to express themselves freely DZ+ZC D   In General Contractors and Architects scored slightly higher than the average Small & Medium sized companies score higher than large companies* "  ) Average age of youngest equity partner: 2009 2008 2007 Consultant / QS : 38 34 35 Engineer : 41 38 39 Contractor : 41.5 39 40 Architect : 42.5 40 41 f@x(  +  Average Percentage of female non-support staff  09  08  07 Contractor : 8% 7% 7% Engineer : 11% 11% 15% Consultant / QS: 14% 15% 13% Architect : 22.5% 28% 24% lkx 17   /  Maximum number days paid holiday after 5 year of service (average): 2009 2008 2007 Engineer 25 days 25 26 Contractor 26.5days 26 27 Architect 25 days 26 27 Consultant / QS 27 days 28 27 zaZxZ<   5  3  ; Shrinkage    Of Top 50 Engineers: 75% by ave. 13% Architects: 65% by ave. 16% Consultant / QS: 56% by ave. 8.3% Contractor: 40% by ave. 10% $ t%       "   =But&   tThe majority of categories include one or more firms that have had to shed staff in the last year. In all top 5 s by size or core business there are firms that have similarly shed staff.  " Results Summary Sheets Individual company feedback Statements ranked in order of scores Category scores Comparison with the average & sector average Comparison with previous year Greater explanation. Simpler format 6  # THANK YOU  (   C&Top 5  Small Firms  Apex  Specialist contractor Architecture plb Henderson Green  Consultant / Engineer LSI Architects Maber Architects yy@*  :    E(Top 5  Medium Firms  hAA Projects - Consultant / QS - PM Keegans  Consultant / QS - PM John Rowan & Partners - Consultant / QS - PM Hannah Reed  Consultant / Engineer P+HS  Consultant / Architect&$   G&Top 5  Large Firms  RGelder Group  Main Contractor Gentoo Construction - Main Contractor Leadbitter Group - Main Contractor Mace  Consultant / Construction Willmott Dixon - Main Contractorh       :   /     ! $ %*-046789:<>D!F"H#   0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6  `}  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0h  `  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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'ZB ; s *1 ?))'TB  c $1 ?7& & TB  c $1 ?7  TB  c $1 ?7| |   0MZ  RFlexi - time/ part time work(2  0R &x e/Maternity benefit significantly above statutory0(20  0WSx e/Paternity benefit significantly above statutory0(20H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.l#m+D=' = @B +$  0 $(  r  S F `}   r  S xg `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.=($  0 $(  r  S u'gt   r  S u `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@ |    0 +#\(  \ \ <"`z ] Learn More,   \ c $X/<$@ 0  H \ 0޽h ? 33R J ___PPT10* .l#m+ED ' = @B D ' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D ' =%(D ' =%(D' =4@BBBB%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*\3%(D' =4@BBBB%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*\3X%(D' =4@BBBB%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*\Xh%(D' =4@BBBB%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*\h%(D' =4@BBBB%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*\%(D' =4@BBBB%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*\%(+ 0 d3(  dx d c $',   d 0G  < 2   d 0ܣ]D < 2  d d C <A"employer_main_sm d 0Ц"`F  Y Thank You (2 0  H d 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.kdW+D=' = @B +0 ! 0 0(  x  c $ `}   x  c $` `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.L0 " 0  0(  x  c $| `}   x  c $ `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.L0 # 0 @ 0(   x   c $ `}   x   c $ `  H   0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.L  0 V N 4 (  4X 4 C 0   2N  4 S 20 0  2 We asked all companies to complete a simple form that enabled us to check that some basic criteria were met. You ll note that whilst we ask for UK based companies that doesn t preclude those that have an international spread  both survey & questionnaire are for UK staff only. The 30 minimum non-support staff is to ensure we have a sufficiently robust sample and one that hopefully prevents the boss looking over everyone s shoulder telling them what to say! It also allows for the fact that there will always be a few staff unable to respond for all sorts of different reasons. We also get asked, often, about why we only survey non-support i.e. technical & professional staff  mainly because these are the personnel that read Building Magazine and would look to this sort of publication for guidance. Staff in support rather than direct fee-earning roles being those in HR, IT, Finance or Marketing are far more likely to be reading their own trade magazines. Looking at the Companies in the Guide, however, will still give them a good steer as to which companies would be good to work for. [click]  U  H 4 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 @8<(  <^ < S 0   22 < c $ج20 0  2 RWhy is an Employee Opinion Survey necessary? Whilst a background image of the business is created from information supplied by Employers it does not show whether their staff members enjoy coming to work or whether they feel that they are being looked after. Some companies believe that a higher salary can be used by employees to buy benefits as they choose; others will provide things such as healthcare as a matter of course. However, providing more days of holiday, for example, is only worthwhile if staff can find the time to take it. The Employee Opinion Survey was devised to directly elicit opinion of staff members and gauge their strength of feeling to a set of statements that focus on both general areas of employment and also those specific to the construction industry. [click] In previous years we added a specific slant towards a more exciting employment environment rather than the more usual style of staff survey in order to differentiate the more forward looking firms with more prestigious and challenging projects for their employees to work on. [click] This year we added a series of statements relating to the current economic climate  for example  Given current market conditions, I believe my company is treating me fairly. and  I believe the leaders of my company are being honest when they describe how the economy is affecting my company s trade. [click] We also use direct e-mail, which enables us to be sure that all the employees we want to survey receive their survey and that they cannot pass it on to anyone else or complete more than one. [click] It also makes sure that the anonymity of responders is kept as Employers do not see any of their employees returns. [click] This year s survey has 45 set statements  both positive and negatively phrased that let us check validity of responses and also compare across years. We ask, for example:  My company respects the cultural diversity of its staff but also  I do not believe this company takes its equal opportunities policy seriously . [click] And finally we give employees the option of rating their responses from  strongly agree to  strongly disagree to create a scoring structure for results. [click] 0,=C +  H < 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}x  0   D (  D^ D S 0   2 D c $ 20 0  2 ~Social Responsibility - how seriously the company takes its responsibilities towards the safety of its staff and the betterment of the construction industry and wider community. Smarter Working  how the company encourages a realistic balance between the work and personal lives of its employees. Feel Good Factor  the level of fun and enjoyment staff members get from working within their own companies. Leadership  how well employees believe their company is being led and how well looked after they are by their managers. Inspiration  are employees inspired by the type of projects the company is involved in and are they getting a  buzz from working on them? Ability to contribute  how well employees feel they are able to participate in decisions that affect them and do they feel the Company listens to them. Current market conditions - how well employees believe their company is dealing with the challenges faced by the changes brought about by the current economic climate. h] o   H D 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}n 0 0L~(  L^ L S 0   2 L c $*0 0  2 tLAs I said earlier, we score responses against a sliding scale from the rating options  strongly agree to  strongly disagree and then set about ranking results and eliminating companies that fall outside these parameters. As a point of fact, the last of these is to stop one company scoring so highly in 5 categories that it could beat the  pass mark so to speak whilst failing to score well at all in last. [click]   H L 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 ,$PT (  T^ T S 0   2  T c $0 0  2 v Moving onto Employer Questionnaires that were, this year again, only sent to employers that met the passing qualifications of the staff survey. We do only look at the benefits package itself rather than salary but understand that this is all about balance. Well paid employees may be able to buy their own pension and healthcare and not need them as a corporate benefit& what is important is that staff are happy with the salary & benefit package combined and in the survey we ask for employee opinion to the statement  I think I am well remunerated for the work I do and the responsibilities I have [click] The information obtained from the Employer Questionnaire is used primarily to describe the company in the Guide itself. But some questions, particularly those regarding corporate statistics and employee demographics are also used to help review the company itself. For example, as it is usual for large architectural practice to employ significant numbers of female architects it is unlikely that we would select a company that employed no women professionals even if all the male employees have rated it well in the employee opinion survey. This year, rather than asking for churn rates  i.e. focussing on leavers as an indicator of unhappiness we asked how, or if, Employers have shrunk due to the current economic climate and how, or if, they have significantly changed the salary or benefit packages on offer. This showed that it could not be taken as read that those who have been least affected by staff lay-off automatically have happier staff as this just is not true.    H T 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}  0 .& (   ^   S 0       c $Q0 0   As I have said, this is difficult to spot over just 2 - 3 yrs.. [click] Again this may have moved up on the back of the more  fun elements of the working environment, having moved down. [click]   H   0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}  0 \T,(  ,^ , S 0   N , c $h0 0   nDouble negative.. I am given opportunity moved down so I now get less opportunity to make a contribution. Again difficult to spot over 2 yrs.. [click] In general there is a drop in our Inspiration category - which you ll remember is about the  buzz we get from going to work - although some of the top 5 bigger companies buck this trend..I have heard people talking about the opportunities that are born out of tough times. [click] *lLlL&Q  _ H , 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}  0 &0H(  H^ H S 0    H c $H0 0   So Consultant / QS firms and Engineers slightly less than average [click] Point 2 -  similar to last year Small<50 staff, large>250 N@# l ! H H 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 RJPP(  P^ P S 0   D P c $T50 0   My company makes significant positive contribution to local communities  dropping from penultimate last year to the bottom this year  truly a sign of the times. I have flexible working hours has improved a couple of places  now just above the bottom but this may just be because the others have pushed their way underneath. IxI I H P 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 pX)(  X^ X S 0    X c $| 0 0   Top two same as last year But My colleagues are fun to work with has lost out to quality of work & projects [and is now down at 7th place.]bsx7    H X 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}\ 0 `l(  `^ ` S 0    ` c $0 0   b:If you would like to know more about how your company has done then please contact us and we can prepare an company specific results sheet. [click] That will give you a concise view of where your employees scored highly and where not and how your Company scored against the average of the 75 top firms. [click]  ; H ` 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 h(  hX h C 0    h S t0 0   TTo all those who have participated and completed either employee surveys or employer questionnaires. Hopefully that has covered everything, I would like to thank you, personally, for Your time & that of your staff For answering questions and accepting being chased with grace! & for those of you selected - well done& Again thank you & now I believe we have a couple of minutes for questions..before I hand over to Denise :    H h 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.kK 0 ia(  ^  S 0   [  c $0 0   Age to reach equity partner or equivalent is getting older. 2008 was a better year than 2007 for getting early promotion and the brakes have obviously gone on.. You need to work a little harder a little longer to make it as an Architect and whilst the Consultants still need to push their client facing personnel up the tree faster, I imagine promotions have slowed down somewhat and actually have the largest of the slow downs in this area.. [click]   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 "0(  ^  S 0     c $ܹ0 0    Here again, no surprises.. Few female contracting staff but lots of Architects there appears- for Architects- to be a relative reduction in number of female staff (but I would suggest a need for further evidence before confirming this apparent inequality) and a slight rise for Contractors. [click] However, the glass ceiling is definitely now concrete. We know that the makeup of each company structure is different and perhaps many women aren t retained past 40  the age we saw it takes to become an equity partner  but, in general, this is pretty poor showing and may well highlight that many of the women who are in partner or director positions are in fact in HR or Marketing roles. [click]   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 p(  ^  S 0      c $p0 0   vSimilar to last year but shrinking slightly since 2007. OK! On to benefits  salary packages: These do in fact range between 22 and 37 with quite a few up at the 30 day mark. [click]   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}V 0 f(  ^  S 0     c $4c0 0   \4Less paternity benefit Finally, & cynically perhaps  Contractors don t need to offer maternity benefits as they don t have many women and Architect s don t as either it s too expensive or Architect s are too easy to replace. Based on the high amount of training Architect s are given, it is more probable that the offers of flexible working are a far greater draw to return that maternity benefits. [click]   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}B 0 R(  ^  S 0     c $0 0   Hslight upward trend generally with the more significant increase for Engineers Perhaps staff now have time to attend?? Training is obviously dependant on the nature of business? There was a very large range & disparity in responses many where Architectural practices take staff on study weekends abroad  obviously not the norm for Contractors! [click] (Training is to include attendance by employees on courses - both internal and external - that are intended to develop skills, behaviour or experiences appropriate to the individual's job. For the purposes of the Guide, training is not to include time spent in mentoring programmes, on-the-job shadowing or time spent at networking events. Events counting towards CPD should, however, be included.) .N  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}@ 0 P(  X  C 0   2  S e20 0  2 RMy name is Hannah Fox and my role has been to create, issue and analyse the results for both the Employee survey & Employer questionnaire since the Guide s inception in 2007. [click] I also get to select the Top Companies based on the results we receive.. [click]    H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.?)0z 0 B: (  X  C 0   2:  S h120 0  2 Good afternoon. I hope you have had an interesting day and are getting ready to hear this year s results. Before these are announced, it s my turn to tell you a little about the Guide itself.. [click]    H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.?)z 0 0(  X  C 0   2  S u20 0  2 PThis afternoon I m going to tell you  as quickly as I can  a little bit about how and why the Guide is structured the way it is and [click] To show you some of the results. My instruction was to give you an insight into emerging trends. After just three years  and very challenging times - it may be arguable whether we can actually predict trends but I hope to impart some interesting facts, none the less. [click]    H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@)`P 0 @`(  X  C 0   2  S T20 0  2 b&The methodology itself is quite complex so I have picked the main areas of interest: How we formed the pool of initial participants, Who received employee surveys and the Employer questionnaires and finally How we selected Companies for inclusion. For those of you who have entered in previous years, you ll have noticed that generally the system has remained the same but last year we switched the order in which we issued the employee surveys and Employer questionnaires and this year changed some of the questions. [click]    H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@)b^ 0 n(  X  C 0     S $o0 0   pHContractors already shrinking previous year or not taking part in Guide. I H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.=~ 0 (  X  C 0     S 0 0   NSo poss still to be a good employer even if you are having to shrink workforce&  H H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@`> 0  (  ^  S 0     c $0 0   pSmall 0  50 staff Medium 51 to 250 staff Large 251 plus 9 H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.LP 0  0(  ^  S 0     c $0 0   pSmall 0  50 staff Medium 51 to 250 staff Large 251 plus 9 H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.LP 0  P(  ^  S 0     c $<0 0   pSmall 0  50 staff Medium 51 to 250 staff Large 251 plus 9 H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.LPr7KM9T`ZS]AIE`'qo @/O3ן39<A0 D@HG)00M"-Q/ {Y36]ybj orWx~C`5ψs iH r7( &D/ 0|DArials 93omantLO 0"DTahoma 93omantLO 0" DSymbol 93omantLO 00DTimes New Roman    On-screen ShowCyril Sweett Group plc'  ArialTahomaSymbolTimes New Roman Bauhaus 93Default Design'Hannah Fox BSc MRICS Survey ConsultantSlide 2Slide 3Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6Slide 7Slide 8Slide 9 SliRoot EntrydO)KN=PictureslCurrent UserF)SummaryInformation( 0DTimes New RomantLO 0@DBauhaus 93omantLO 0R@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` 87     "#$%&'()* +-,012q367<]=?@ABCDHIJKPQRSTU,R$i|u|Іl 0AA@ʚ;?$ʚ;g4/d/d(YO 0ppp@ <4ddddv 0PL g4;d;dO 0p@ pp<4BdBdv 0PL80___PPT10 pp?  %O  =*&Hannah Fox BSc MRICS Survey ConsultantN'  (&   fDevise, disseminate, collate and analyse Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Select Good Employers H)')'e  iMethodology used to compile the Good Employer Guide Insight into emerging trends based on survey resultsL4545 eSelection of participating companies Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Selecting Good Employers ffd  UK based Focus within the construction sector Consultant, house builder, general or specialist contractor etc. Over 30 staff members in non-support roles *   Slant towards construction industry & a more exciting employment environment Appreciation of current economic climate Direct e-mail to selected sample Anonymity upheld 45 set statements Strength of feeling - 5 point response ,(L    Social Responsibility Smarter Working Feel Good Factor Leadership Inspiration Ability to Contribute Current Market Conditions ,(d   Aggregated 5 point scale Elimination of companies with: less than 50% return rates less than 30 responses overall score less than the benchmark one or more category scores below the benchmark R88  XCompany details  address, url etc. Main spheres of operation & USP Corporate statistics and employee demographics Benefits package on offer to staff Changes over past year.      Statements towards the top  My company take its Health and Safety obligations very seriously My manager is very understanding when personal issues make demands on my work time The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud BxSxx   Statements towards the bottom  My company makes significant positive contribution to local communities I think I am well remunerated for the work I do and the responsibilities I have I have flexible working hours L!xx     Highest movers  up The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud The quality of projects in which the company is involved is something of which I am very proudB   Biggest movers  down I am rarely given the opportunity to make my contribution to decisions that affect me Senior managers communicate with the staff, enabling me to play a part in my company's success This company encourages a positive and open communications culture that encourages staff to express themselves freely DZ+ZC D   In General Contractors and Architects scored slightly higher than the average Small & Medium sized companies score higher than large companies* "  ) Average age of youngest equity partner: 2009 2008 2007 Consultant / QS : 38 34 35 Engineer : 41 38 39 Contractor : 41.5 39 40 Architect : 42.5 40 41 f@x(  +  Average Percentage of female non-support staff  09  08  07 Contractor : 8% 7% 7% Engineer : 11% 11% 15% Consultant / QS: 14% 15% 13% Architect : 22.5% 28% 24% lkx 17   /  Maximum number days paid holiday after 5 year of service (average): 2009 2008 2007 Engineer 25 days 25 26 Contractor 26.5days 26 27 Architect 25 days 26 27 Consultant / QS 27 days 28 27 zaZxZ<   5  3  ; Shrinkage    Of Top 50 Engineers: 75% by av. 13% Architects: 65% by av. 16% Consultant / QS: 56% by av. 8.3% Contractor: 40% by av. 10% $   =But&   tThe majority of categories include one or more firms that have had to shed staff in the last year. In all top 5 s by size or core business there are firms that have similarly shed staff.  " Results Summary Sheets Individual company feedback Statements ranked in order of scores Category scores Comparison with the average & sector average Comparison with previous year Greater explanation. Simpler format 6  #  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345689:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~~     D !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;>?@ABCEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}PowerPoint Document(7DocumentSummaryInformation87tLO 0@DBauhaus 93omantLO 0R@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` 87     "#$%&'()* +-,012q367<]=?@ABCDHIJKPQRSTU,R$i|u|Іl 0AA@ʚ;?$ʚ;g4/d/d(YO 0ppp@ <4ddddv 0PL g4;d;dO 0p@ pp<4BdBdv 0PL80___PPT10 pp?  %O  =*&Hannah Fox BSc MRICS Survey ConsultantN'  (&   fDevise, disseminate, collate and analyse Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Select Good Employers H)')'e  iMethodology used to compile the Good Employer Guide Insight into emerging trends based on survey resultsL4545 eSelection of participating companies Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Selecting Good Employers ffd  UK based Focus within the construction sector Consultant, house builder, general or specialist contractor etc. Over 30 staff members in non-support roles *   Slant towards construction industry & a more exciting employment environment Appreciation of current economic climate Direct e-mail to selected sample Anonymity upheld 45 set statements Strength of feeling - 5 point response ,(L    Social Responsibility Smarter Working Feel Good Factor Leadership Inspiration Ability to Contribute Current Market Conditions ,(d   Aggregated 5 point scale Elimination of companies with: less than 50% return rates less than 30 responses overall score less than the benchmark one or more category scores below the benchmark R88  XCompany details  address, url etc. Main spheres of operation & USP Corporate statistics and employee demographics Benefits package on offer to staff Changes over past year.      Statements towards the top  My company take its Health and Safety obligations very seriously My manager is very understanding when personal issues make demands on my work time The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud BxSxx   Statements towards the bottom  My company makes significant positive contribution to local communities I think I am well remunerated for the work I do and the responsibilities I have I have flexible working hours L!xx     Highest movers  up The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud The quality of projects in which the company is involved is something of which I am very proudB   Biggest movers  down I am rarely given the opportunity to make my contribution to decisions that affect me Senior managers communicate with the staff, enabling me to play a part in my company's success This company encourages a positive and open communications culture that encourages staff to express themselves freely DZ+ZC D   In General Contractors and Architects scored slightly higher than the average Small & Medium sized companies score higher than large companies* "  ) Average age of youngest equity partner: 2009 2008 2007 Consultant / QS : 38 34 35 Engineer : 41 38 39 Contractor : 41.5 39 40 Architect : 42.5 40 41 f@x(  +  Average Percentage of female non-support staff  09  08  07 Contractor : 8% 7% 7% Engineer : 11% 11% 15% Consultant / QS: 14% 15% 13% Architect : 22.5% 28% 24% lkx 17   /  Maximum number days paid holiday after 5 year of service (average): 2009 2008 2007 Engineer 25 days 25 26 Contractor 26.5days 26 27 Architect 25 days 26 27 Consultant / QS 27 days 28 27 zaZxZ<   5  3  ; Shrinkage    Of Top 50 Engineers: 75% by av. 13% Architects: 65% by av. 16% Consultant / QS: 56% by av. 8.3% Contractor: 40% by av. 10% $   =But&   tThe majority of categories include one or more firms that have had to shed staff in the last year. In all top 5 s by size or core business there are firms that have similarly shed staff.  " Results Summary Sheets Individual company feedback Statements ranked in order of scores Category scores Comparison with the average & sector average Comparison with previous year Greater explanation. Simpler format 6  # THANK YOU  (   C&Top 5  Small Firms  Apex  Specialist contractor Architecture plb Henderson Green  Consultant / Engineer LSI Architects Maber Architects yy@*  :    E(Top 5  Medium Firms  hAA Projects - Consultant / QS - PM Keegans  Consultant / QS - PM John Rowan & Partners - Consultant / QS - PM Hannah Reed  Consultant / Engineer P+HS  Consultant / Architect&$   G&Top 5  Large Firms  RGelder Group  Main Contractor Gentoo Construction - Main Contractor Leadbitter Group - Main Contractor Mace  Consultant / Construction Willmott Dixon - Main Contractorh       :   /     ! $ %*-046789:<>D!F"H#$  0 $(  r  S F `}   r  S xg `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.=(@ 0 P(  ^  S 0     c $0 0   Fslight upward trend generally with the more significant increase for Engineers Perhaps staff now have time to attend?? Training is obviously dependant on the nature of business There was a very large range & disparity in responses many where Architectural practices take staff on study weekends abroad  obviously not the norm for Contractors! [click] (Training is to include attendance by employees on courses - both internal and external - that are intended to develop skills, behaviour or experiences appropriate to the individual's job. For the purposes of the Guide, training is not to include time spent in mentoring programmes, on-the-job shadowing or time spent at networking events. Events counting towards CPD should, however, be included.) .N  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}r6?;s uH r7( &D/ 0|DArials 93omantLO 0"DTahoma 93omantLO 0" DSymbol 93omantLO 0  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345689:;<=>?@ABCDEOh+'0| `h  Hannah Fox hannahPersky95Microsoft Office PowerPoint@_u@OZk@jmLGx g  4&~ WMFCf\ \ lx EMF\ 0 nNF(GDICx!b $$=='33% % V0xx x % % $$AA" FGDICF(GDICl.wFGDICF(GDIC6ljwFGDICF(GDICiFGDICRp@"ArialJxArial,8z@"Arial 0 4,, <0U0500D7x TZ pZX`dv%    T+5`A@ B B+? L`Hannah Fox % ( Rp@"ArialJx@"Arial 0 4,, <0U0500D7,, <0U050pX`dvx H)Gvm:h)@)xdv%    Td<s?@ B Bd? L`BSc MRICS  % ( Rp@"ArialLxArial ,8z@"Arial 0 4,, <0U0500D7P TZ pZXdv%    T*EsP@ B B*NLpSurvey Consultant  % (   x33--$xx--'@"ArialJ?-. 2 ?+ Hannah Fox."System??????????????-@"ArialJ?-. 2 ?d BSc MRICSx.-@"ArialL?-. !2 N*Survey Consultant.-՜.+,0h THANK YOU  (   C&Top 5  Small Firms  Apex  Specialist contractor Architecture plb Henderson Green  Consultant / Engineer LSI Architects Maber Architects yy@*  :    E(Top 5  Medium Firms  hAA Projects - Consultant / QS - PM Keegans  Consultant / QS - PM John Rowan & Partners - Consultant / QS - PM Hannah Reed  Consultant / Engineer P+HS  Consultant / Architect&$   G&Top 5  Large Firms  RGelder Group  Main Contractor Gentoo Construction - Main Contractor Leadbitter Group - Main Contractor Mace  Consultant / Construction Willmott Dixon - Main Contractorh       :   /     ! $ %*-046789:<>D!F"H# 0 h``(  `^ ` S 0   Z ` c $0 0   If you would like to know more about how your company has done then please contact us and we can prepare an company specific results sheet. [click] That will give you a concise view of where your employees scored highly and where not and how your Company scored against the average of the top firms and also top firms in your area of business. We will also provide more explanation than year on what the results mean and how they can be used. [click]   H ` 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}~ 0 h(  hX h C 0    h S t0 0   THopefully that has covered everything, To all those who have participated and completed either employee surveys or employer questionnaires. I would like to thank you, personally, for Your time & that of your staff For answering questions and accepting being chased with grace! & for those of you selected - well done& Again thank you & now I believe we have a couple of minutes for questions& .before I hand over to Denise    H h 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.kK 0 VN(  X  C 0   N  S $o0 0   Contractors already shrinking previous year or not taking part in Guide. Bldg mag  last week stated that top 250 consultants have shed 7% of their workforce with the top 7 having lost more than 40%. [click] &O   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.= 0 (  X  C 0     S 0 0   WSo poss still to be a good employer even if you are having to shrink workforce [click]&  Q H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@`>r$$ E5 <>s (H r7( &D/ 0|DArials 93omantLO 0"DTahoma 93omantLO 0" DSymbol 93omantLO 00DTimes New RomantLO 0@DBauhaus 93omantLO 0R@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` 87     "#$%&'()* +-,012q367<]=?@ABCDHIJKPQRSTU,R$i|u|Іl 0AA@ʚ;?$ʚ;g4/d/d(YO 0ppp@ <4ddddv 0PL g4;d;dO 0p@ pp<4BdBdv 0PL80___PPT10 pp?  %O  =*&Hannah Fox BSc MRICS Survey ConsultantN'  (&   fDevise, disseminate, collate and analyse Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Select Good Employers H)')'e  iMethodology used to compile the Good Employer Guide Insight into emerging trends based on survey resultsL4545 eSelection of participating companies Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Selecting Good Employers ffd  UK based Focus within the construction sector Consultant, house builder, general or specialist contractor etc. Over 30 staff members in non-support roles *   Slant towards construction industry & a more exciting employment environment Appreciation of current economic climate Direct e-mail to selected sample Anonymity upheld 45 set statements Strength of feeling - 5 point response ,(L    Social Responsibility Smarter Working Feel Good Factor Leadership Inspiration Ability to Contribute Current Market Conditions ,(d   Aggregated 5 point scale Elimination of companies with: less than 50% return rates less than 30 responses overall score less than the benchmark one or more category scores below the benchmark R88  XCompany details  address, url etc. Main spheres of operation & USP Corporate statistics and employee demographics Benefits package on offer to staff Changes over past year.      Statements towards the top  My company take its Health and Safety obligations very seriously My manager is very understanding when personal issues make demands on my work time The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud BxSxx   Statements towards the bottom  My company makes significant positive contribution to local communities I think I am well remunerated for the work I do and the responsibilities I have I have flexible working hours L!xx     Highest movers  up The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud The quality of projects in which the company is involved is something of which I am very proudB   Biggest movers  down I am rarely given the opportunity to make my contribution to decisions that affect me Senior managers communicate with the staff, enabling me to play a part in my company's success This company encourages a positive and open communications culture that encourages staff to express themselves freely DZ+ZC D   In General Contractors and Architects scored slightly higher than the average Small & Medium sized companies score higher than large companies* "  ) Average age of youngest equity partner: 2009 2008 2007 Consultant / QS : 38 34 35 Engineer : 41 38 39 Contractor : 41.5 39 40 Architect : 42.5 40 41 f@x(  +  Average Percentage of female non-support staff  09  08  07 Contractor : 8% 7% 7% Engineer : 11% 11% 15% Consultant / QS: 14% 15% 13% Architect : 22.5% 28% 24% lkx 17   /  Maximum number days paid holiday after 5 year of service (average): 2009 2008 2007 Engineer 25 days 25 26 Contractor 26.5days 26 27 Architect 25 days 26 27 Consultant / QS 27 days 28 27 zaZxZ<   5  3  ; Shrinkage    Of Top 50 Engineers: 75% by av. 13% Architects: 65% by av. 16% Consultant / QS: 56% by av. 8.3% Contractor: 40% by av. 10% $   =But&   tThe majority of categories include one or more firms that have had to shed staff in the last year. In all top 5 s by size or core business there are firms that have similarly shed staff.  " Results Summary Sheets Individual company feedback Statements ranked in order of scores Category scores Comparison with the average & sector average Comparison with previous year Greater explanation. Simpler format 6  # THANK YOU  (   C&Top 5  Small Firms  Apex  Specialist contractor Architecture plb Henderson Green  Consultant / Engineer LSI Architects Maber Architects yy@*  :    E(Top 5  Medium Firms  hAA Projects - Consultant / QS - PM Keegans  Consultant / QS - PM John Rowan & Partners - Consultant / QS - PM Hannah Reed  Consultant / Engineer P+HS  Consultant / Architect&$   G&Top 5  Large Firms  RGelder Group  Main Contractor Gentoo Construction - Main Contractor Leadbitter Group - Main Contractor Mace  Consultant / Construction Willmott Dixon - Main Contractorh       :   /     ! $ %*-046789:<>D!F"H#rxs TMH n7( &D/ 0|DArials 93oman`O 0"DTahoma 93oman`O 0" DSymbol 93oman`O 00DTimes New Roman`O 0@DBauhaus 93oman`O 0R@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` 87     "#$%&'()* +-,012q367<]=?@ABCDHIJKPQRSTU,R$i|u|Іl 0AA@ʚ;?$ʚ;g4/d/dX`O 0ppp@ <4ddddv 0` g4;d;dH>`O 0p@ pp<4BdBdv 0`80___PPT10 pp?  %O  =*&Hannah Fox BSc MRICS Survey ConsultantN'  (&   fDevise, disseminate, collate and analyse Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Select Good Employers H)')'e  iMethodology used to compile the Good Employer Guide Insight into emerging trends based on survey resultsL4545 eSelection of participating companies Employee Survey Employer Questionnaire Selecting Good Employers ffd  UK based Focus within the construction sector Consultant, house builder, general or specialist contractor etc. Over 30 staff members in non-support roles *   Slant towards construction industry & a more exciting employment environment Appreciation of current economic climate Direct e-mail to selected sample Anonymity upheld 45 set statements Strength of feeling - 5 point response ,(L    Social Responsibility Smarter Working Feel Good Factor Leadership Inspiration Ability to Contribute Current Market Conditions ,(d   Aggregated 5 point scale Elimination of companies with: less than 50% return rates less than 30 responses overall score less than the benchmark one or more category scores below the benchmark R88  XCompany details  address, url etc. Main spheres of operation & USP Corporate statistics and employee demographics Benefits package on offer to staff Changes over past year.      Statements towards the top  My company take its Health and Safety obligations very seriously My manager is very understanding when personal issues make demands on my work time The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud BxSxx   Statements towards the bottom  My company makes significant positive contribution to local communities I think I am well remunerated for the work I do and the responsibilities I have I have flexible working hours L!xx     Highest movers  up The quality of work produced by this company is something of which I am very proud The quality of projects in which the company is involved is something of which I am very proudB   Biggest movers  down I am rarely given the opportunity to make my contribution to decisions that affect me Senior managers communicate with the staff, enabling me to play a part in my company's success This company encourages a positive and open communications culture that encourages staff to express themselves freely DZ+ZC D   In General Contractors and Architects scored slightly higher than the average Small & Medium sized companies score higher than large companies* "  ) Average age of youngest equity partner: 2009 2008 2007 Consultant / QS : 38 34 35 Engineer : de 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Slide 19 ShrinkageBut Slide 22 THANK YOUTop 5 Small FirmsTop 5 Medium FirmsTop 5 Large Firms  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles6ljwFGDIC_CMPCMPrskyGDICRp@ArialJ 41 38 39 Contractor : 41.5 39 40 Architect : 42.5 40 41 f@x(  +  Average Percentage of female non-support staff  09  08  07 Contractor : 8% 7% 7% Engineer : 11% 11% 15% Consultant / QS: 14% 15% 13% Architect : 22.5% 28% 24% hkx17  /  Maximum number days paid holiday after 5 year of service (average): 2009 2008 2007 Engineer 25 days 25 26 Contractor 26.5days 26 27 Architect 25 days 26 27 Consultant / QS 27 days 28 27 zaZxZ<   5  3  ; Shrinkage    Of Top 50 Engineers: 75% by av. 13% Architects: 65% by av. 16% Consultant / QS: 56% by av. 8.3% Contractor: 40% by av. 10% $   =But&   tThe majority of categories include one or more firms that have had to shed staff in the last year. In all top 5 s by size or core business there are firms that have similarly shed staff.  " Results Summary Sheets Individual company feedback Statements ranked in order of scores Category scores Comparison with the average & sector average Comparison with previous year Greater explanation. Simpler format 6  # THANK YOU  (   C&Top 5  Small Firms  Apex  Specialist contractor Architecture plb Henderson Green  Consultant / Engineer LSI Architects Maber Architects yy@*  :    E(Top 5  Medium Firms  hAA Projects - Consultant / QS - PM Keegans  Consultant / QS - PM John Rowan & Partners - Consultant / QS - PM Hannah Reed  Consultant / Engineer P+HS  Consultant / Architect&$   G&Top 5  Large Firms  RGelder Group  Main Contractor Gentoo Construction - Main Contractor Leadbitter Group - Main Contractor Mace  Consultant / Construction Willmott Dixon - Main Contractorh       :   /     ! $ %*-046789:<>D!F"H# 0 4(  4X 4 C 0    4 S D0 0     H 4 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 <*(  <^ < S 0    < c $0 0     H < 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}6 0 DF(  D^ D S 0    D c $ 0 0   <  H D 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 0L*(  L^ L S 0    L c $^0 0     H L 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 PT*(  T^ T S 0    T c $T0 0     H T 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}  0  *(   ^   S 0   D   c $0 0  D   H   0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}  0 ,*(  ,^ , S 0   D , c $850 0  D   H , 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}&  0 0H6(  H^ H S 0   D H c $0 0  D ,   H H 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}: 0 PPJ(  P^ P S 0   D P c $0 0  D @x  H P 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt}: 0 pXJ(  X^ X S 0    X c $<0 0   @  H X 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 `*(  `^ ` S 0   ! ` c $M!0 0  !   H ` 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 h(  hX h C 0   ! h S ]!0 0  !   H h 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.kK 0 *(  ^  S 0   D  c $20 0  D   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 0*(  ^  S 0   2  c $0 0  2   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 p*(  ^  S 0   D  c $20 0  2   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 *(  ^  S 0   !  c $!0 0  !   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 *(  ^  S 0   D  c $0 0  D   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.rt} 0 (  X  C 0   `  S `0 0  `   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.?)0z 0  (  X  C 0     S v0 0     H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.?) 0 0(  X  C 0     S .0 0     H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@)` 0 @(  X  C 0     S 0 0     H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@)b 0 (  X  C 0   !  S !0 0  !   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.= 0 (  X  C 0   !  S 0!0 0  !   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@`> 0 *(  ^  S 0   !  c $s!0 0  !   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.LP 0 0*(  ^  S 0   !  c $h!0 0  !   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.LP 0 P*(  ^  S 0   !  c $!0 0  !   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.LPr&N   ԉ4VxȖ! $ Ln*-0ȣ46P .DZp<>DFԸHs NH