Read our policy.

Table 1: Indicative costs of land remediation techniques*
Remediation technique Unit Rate (£/unit)
Removal disposed material (m3) 40-140
Clean cover surface area of site (m2) 20-40
On-site encapsulation encapsulated material (m3) 20-75
Bio-remediation treated material (tonne) 30-80
Soil washing treated material (tonne) 40-80
Soil flushing treated material (tonne) 60-100
Vacuum extraction treated material (tonne) 50-100
Thermal treatment treated material (tonne) 750-1200
* excluding landfill tax
Table 2: Variation in the costs of land remediation by removal*
Disposal Volume (less than 3000 m3) (£ /m3) Disposal Volume (3000-10 000 m3) (£ /m3) Disposal Volume (more than 10 000 m3) (£ /m3)
General items and site organisation costs 40-60 20-35 5-15Ìý
Site investigation and testing 3-10 2-5 1-3
Excavation and backfill 12-20 9-18 6-12
Disposal costs* 15-30 20-35 25-45
Haulage 10-20 9-12 8-15
Total ( £/³¾3) 80-140 60-105 45-90
Allowance for site abnormals 0-5+ 0-15+ 0-10+
* Disposal costs include tipping charges but not landfill tax
Table 3: Typical 1999 tipping charges*
Waste classification Charges (£/tonne)
Non-hazardous waste 5-10
Hazardous waste 10-20
Special waste 12-25
Contaminated liquid 12-35
Contaminated sludge 35-45
* Excluding of landfill tax
Cost model
element cost £/³¾2 disposal material of total cost
General items 137 300 22.33 22.65%
Performance bond and insurance      
Site accommodation     item @ £4000  
Fixed charge     item @ £6000 
Time related charge   10 weeks @ £950 
Traffic management; traffic management measures, wheel wash facilities and weighbridge      
Fixed charge     item @ £4000 
Time related charge 10 weeks @ £550 
Health and safety; protective equipment; provisions for CDM; boundary fences      
Fixed charge     item @ £2000 
Time related charge   10 weeks @ £250 
Plant mobilisation and set up      
Fixed charge     item @ £2800 
Time related charge   10 weeks @ £4000 
Site administration 10 weeks @ £4000 
Site security, out of working hours 10 weeks @ £600
Temporary works     item @ £15 000 
Site investigation 19 000 3.09 3.13%
Trial pits and boreholes     item @ £3500 
Allowance for laboratory analysis     item @ £15 500 
Excavation 14 550 2.37 2.41%
Site clearance, generally   5000 m2 @ £0.10 
Excavation, generally 6000 m3 @ £0.75
Breaking out hard artificial materials; tarmac exposed at commencement surface   150 m3 @ £3.00 
Breaking out hard artificial materials; brickwork exposed at commencement surface   150 m3 @ £4.50 
Breaking out hard artificial materials; mass concrete exposed at commencement surface   150 m3 @ £5.00 
Breaking out hard artificial materials; reinforced concrete exposed at commencement surface   150 m3 @ £8.50 
Breaking out hard artificial materials; brickwork not exposed at commencement surface   100 m3 @ £5.00 
Breaking out hard artificial materials; mass concrete not exposed at commencement surface   150 m3 @ £6.00 
Breaking out hard artificial materials; reinforced concrete not exposed at commencement surface   250 m3 @ £11.00 
Trimming excavated surfaces   5000 m2 @ £0.20 
Preparation of excavated surfaces   5000 m2 @ £0.25 
Disposal 230 800 37.53 38.07%
Disposal of non-hazardous waste material; direct from excavation; excluding haulage costs   6300 t @ £7.50 
Disposal of hazardous waste material (Class U2); direct from excavation; excluding haulage costs   2400 t @ £12.00 
Disposal of hazardous waste material (Class U3); direct from excavation; excluding haulage costs   3600 t @ £15.00 
Disposal costs; allowance for tip charges related to special waste regulations   200 loads @ £15.00 
Disposal costs; haulage, based on 125 mile round trip   85 000 miles @ £1.15 
Filling 142 020 23.09 23.42%
Material arising from the site screening and crushing process   950 m3 @ £1.50 
Imported material; excluding haulage costs   12 300 t @ £7.00 
Extra for double handling of excavated materials on-site, associated with crushing and screening   1 900 m3 @ £1.05 
Extra for haulage costs of imported fill; based on 50 mile round trip   35 000 miles @ £1.50 
Screening 2850 0.46 0.47%
Screening; generally   950 m3 @ £3.00 
Crushing 4750 0.77 0.78%
Crushing; generally   950 m3 @ £5.00 
Contingencies 55 000 8.94 9.07%
Contingency sumAllow 10%     item @ £55 000 
Total construction cost 606 270 98.58 100%
Extra costs and savings
  Net extra £/³¾3 of disposed material* 
General items    
Extra for extra week in programme duration 1 week @ £10 000 1.79
Extra for depth of excavation in excess of 5 m below commencement level 1000 m3 @ £1.50 0.27
Extra for 100% increase in volume of hard artificial material (average rate used) 1100 m3 @ £6.60 1.3
Deduction for reduction in tipping charges, based on a 10% decrease (average rate shown) 12 300 t @ £9.50 – 2.33
Extra for increase in tipping charges, based on a 25% increase (average rate shown) 12 300 t @ £13.20 5.82
Change in proportions of waste to: non-hazardous waste (75%), hazardous (15%), special (10%) (average rate used, special waste charges excluded) 12 300 t @ £8.95 –3.63
Change in proportions of waste to: non-hazardous waste (40%), hazardous (30%), special (30%) (average rate used, special waste charges excluded) 12 300 t '@ £11.10 1.16
Change in proportions of waste to: non-hazardous waste (30%), hazardous (20%), special (50%) (average rate used, special waste charges excluded) 12 300 t @ £12.15 3.47
Deduction for 10% reduction in haulage rate; based on round trip of 125 miles 85 000 miles @ £1.04 –1.12
Extra for 25% increase in haulage mileage; based on round trip of 125 miles 85 000 miles @ £1.44 2.96
Reduction for decrease in haulage mileage; based on round trip of 50 miles 34 000 miles @ £1.15 –10.49
Extra for increase in haulage mileage; based on round trip of 150 miles 103 000 miles @ £1.15 3.70  
Deduction for 5% reduction in imported fill costs 12 300 t @ £6.65 –0.52
for 10% increase in imported fill costs for reinstatement; imported top soil, 12 300 t @ £7.70 1.04
300 mm thick; in lieu of imported fill 5 000 m2 @ £5.50 1.16
Reduction in overall cost for increased volume of fill material recovered from site screening and crushing, based on 100% increase of volume to 2200 m3 (rate allows for double handling, screening, crushing and placing) 1100 m2 @ £10.55 0.94
* Negative numbers are savings; costs are inclusive of contingencies